Direktori Jurnal Elektronik

Direktori jurnal elektronik Universitas Brawijaya ini memuat jurnal-jurnal yang diterbitkan institusi dan lembaga di lingkungan Universitas Brawijaya yang bekerja sama dengan berbagai lembaga riset dan asosiasi profesi. Direktori ini memuat tautan ke berbagai jurnal yang mempublikasikan artikel-artikel penelitian dan kajian-kajian ilmiah yang meliputi berbagai bidang keilmuan diantaranya hukum, ekonomi dan bisnis,ilmu administrasi, pertanian, peternakan, teknik, kedokteran, perikanan dan ilmu kelautan, matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam,teknologi pertanian, ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik, ilmu budaya, ilmu komputer, kedokteran hewan dan berbagai bidang lainnya.

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ISSN : - (print) | ISSN : 2962-1097 (online)

Subject : a,b,c,d
ISSN : 0126-0235 (print) | ISSN : 2527-4406 (online)
Subject : civil law; criminal law; constitutional law; administrative law; international law
ISSN : 2356-4512 (print) | ISSN : 2503-0841 (online)
Subject : public law; private law; constitutional law; administrative law, criminal law; international laws; indigenous studies; economic laws; business laws; IT laws; natural resources laws
ISSN : 2086-7603 (print) | ISSN : 2089-5879 (online)
Subject : akuntansi multiparadigma; paradigma positif; paradigma interpretif; paradigma kritis; paradigma posmodern; paradigma spiritual/religius
ISSN : 1907-7947 (print) | ISSN : 2541-5395 (online)
Subject : industrial economics; monetary economics; labour economics; agricultural economics; development economics; public economics; international economics; regional economics; environmental economics

Subject : functional management; marketing management; finance management; human resources management; operations management; applied management

Subject : akuntansi keuangan; akuntansi syariah; akuntansi berbasis pasar modal; akuntansi forensik; akuntansi keperilakuan; akuntansi lingkungan; akuntansi manajemen; akuntansi perpajakan; akuntansi pertanggungjawaban sosial; akuntansi sektor publik; pendidikan akuntansi; auditing; sistem informasi akuntansi; etika bisnis & tata kelola perusahaan
ISSN : 1328-1992 (print) | ISSN : 2355-2905 (online)
Subject : management; accounting; international business; entrepreneurship; business economics; risk management; knowledge management; information systems; ethics; sustainability science
ISSN : 2252-8997 (print)
Subject : general management; human resource management; financial management; operation management; marketing; strategic management; entrepreneurship; organizational behavioral; strategic management; practical accounting perspectives; public administration
ISSN : 1978-743X (print)
Subject : corporate governance; entrepreneurship; organization and human resource management; marketing management; financial management; operation management; strategic management; information system management; tourism
ISSN : 2302-2698 (print) | ISSN : 2503-2887 (online)
Subject : public administration; development processes management; public policy formulation; public policy implementation; management research; management research development
ISSN : 2548-902X (print) | ISSN : 2541-6979 (online)
Subject : public administration; development processes management in developing countries; management research development
ISSN : 2302-6766 (print) | ISSN : 2477-8516 (online)
Subject : plant/crop science; agronomy; horticulture; plant breeding; soil plant science; agroforestry; plant protection
ISSN : 2355-7974 (online)
Subject : plant pathology; entomology; agriculture; natural resources
ISSN : 0853-5167 (print) | ISSN : 2338-2007 (online)
Subject : agribusiness management; economics of agriculture; community development
ISSN : 2549-9793 (online)
Subject : kesuburan tanah; fisika tanah; kimia tanah; biologi tanah; pedologi dan sistem informasi lahan; pengelolaan tanah dan lahan berlanjut; fungsi dan struktur ekosistem; kualitas tanah dan air; biogeokimia
ISSN : 2541-6677 (online)
Subject : plant/crop science; agronomy; horticulture; plant breeding; soil plant science; agroforestry; plant protection
ISSN : 1412-1425 (print) | ISSN : 2252-6757 (online)
Subject : trade of agricultural commodities; agricultural and agribusiness development; agricultural management; agricultural policy; agricultural extension; agribusiness development; communication in agribusiness; social empowerment; rural development

Subject : pengembangan usaha tani; pengelolaan pertanian; kebijakan pertanian; penyuluhan pertanian; pemasaran hasil pertanian; sistem agribisnis; komunikasi agribisnis; pemberdayaan sosial; pembangunan pedesaan
ISSN : 0852-3681 (print) | ISSN : 2443-0765 (online)
Subject : nutrition and feed livestock; livestock production; reproduction and breeding livestock; livestock products technology; socio-economic livestock; animal health
ISSN : 1978-0303 (print) | ISSN : 2338-1620 (online)
Subject : animal product; food science; food microbiology; food biotechnology; animal product as functional food
ISSN : 1411-6146 (print) | ISSN : 2503-1007 (online)
Subject : reproduction; genetic and breeding; dairy; beef; poultry; animal biotechnology; animal nutrition; veterynary; animal behavior and welfare; environment and management
ISSN : 2338-1663 (print) | ISSN : 2477-6041 (online)
Subject : machine design; energy conversion; manufacture engineering; metalurgy
ISSN : 1978-5658 (print) | ISSN : 2502-6348 (online)
Subject : structure; water resources; geotechnic; transportation; construction management
ISSN : 1693-3702 (print) | ISSN : 2477-6033 (online)
Subject : urbanism; architecture studies
ISSN : 1978-3345 (print) | ISSN : 2460-8122 (online)
Subject : electrical power; electronics; control; telecommunication; informatics; system engineering
ISSN : 2086-1761 (print) | ISSN : 2477-6068 (online)
Subject : hydraulics; irrigation and water management; water resources development; irrigation engineering applications
ISSN : 2338-3925 (print) | ISSN : 2477-6025 (online)
Subject : business and strategy; decision analysis; engineering economy; cost estimation; environmental issues; facility location; layout; design; materials handling; human factors; ergonomics; safety; human resources management; ICT and information systems; innovation; knowledge management; organizational learning; inventory; logistics; transportation; supply chain management; manufacturing; control; automation; product/process design and management; forecasting; production planning/control; project/operations management; scheduling; service systems/management; performance analysis; modeling/simulation; tqm/quality engineering; reliability/maintenance engineering
ISSN : 2548-2300 (print) | ISSN : 2548-2181 (online)
Subject : teknologi kimia; pengolahan bahan alam; pengolahan energi secara berkelanjutan
ISSN : 2442-6636 (print) | ISSN : 2355-3987 (online)
Subject : gizi manusia; gizi klinik; aspek penelitian kultur; hewan coba; intervensi kepada manusia; biomolekular; nutrigenetik; nutrigenomik; fetal programming; gut microbiota; gut hormone); gizi komunitas; aspek epidemiologi; observasional; studi kualitatif; edukasi gizi; kesehatan masyarakat; gizi institusi; pengembangan pangan fungsional; pengembangan resep terkait asupan makan pasien
ISSN : 0216-9347 (print) | ISSN : 2338-0772 (online)
Subject : kedokteran dasar; kedokteran klinik; epidemiologi
ISSN : 2088-6012 (print) | ISSN : 2598-8492 (online)
Subject : pediatric; maternity; medical surgical; community; family; gerontik; mental health; emergency; disaster; critical nursing; basic nursing
ISSN : 1907-8803 (print) | ISSN : 2548-7698 (online)
Subject : anatomy; allergy and immunology; biomedicine; cancer and stem cells; cardiovascular; cell and molecular biology; child health; dermatology; epidemiology; geriatrics; histopathology; internal medicine; microbiology; neuro-psychiatric medicine; ophthalmology and oral medicine; parasitology; vector biology; pharmacology; physiology; physical medicine and rehabilitation; public health; pulmonology; radiology; reproductive science; surgery; orthopedic; urology
ISSN : 2407-6724 (print) | ISSN : 2442-5001 (online)
Subject : neuroepidemology; neurovascular; neuroinfection; neurobehavior; neuroimmunology; neurodegenerative; neurootology; neuroophtalmology; neuropediatric; neurointervention; neuroradiology; neurorestoration; movement disorder; sleep disorder; pain and pain intervention; neuroinfection; neuroendocrinology; neurosurgery; neuropathology; neurophysiology; neuroanaesthesiology; neurooncology; neuropharmacology; neuroanatomy
ISSN : 2461-114X (online)
Subject : clinical pharmacy; community pharmacy; pharmaceutical chemistry; pharmaceutical technology; natural product pharmacy; natural product chemistry
ISSN : 2549-6581 (online)
Subject : women centered care; sexual and reproductive health and rights including hiv and aids; continuity of care; roles and responsibility; gender sensitivity; education in midwifery; parenting; cultural and social factors; prejudies, values and beliefs; partnership and collaboration
ISSN : 2338-3100 (print) | ISSN : 2528-5939 (online)
Subject : fisheries marketing; fisheries international trading; fisheries agribusiness; fisheries business; fisheries sociology; the fishing industry; fisheries economics; fisheries resources economics; fisheries resources management; fisheries management plan; fisheries institutional and cooperatives
ISSN : 2581-0294 (online)
Subject : aquatic resources; aquaculture; fisheries resources technology and management; fish technology and processing; fisheries and marine social economic; marine science
ISSN : 2088-4613 (print) | ISSN : 2301-4202 (online)
Subject : environmental science; health science
ISSN : 2302-4690 (print) | ISSN : 2541-0733 (online)
Subject : organic chemistry; analytical chemistry; inorganic chemistry; biochemistry; physical chemistry; organic chemistry natural product; theoretical chemistry; computational chemistry
ISSN : 2302-7282 (print) | ISSN : 2549-8703 (online)
Subject : biology; tropical environment
ISSN : 1411-5131 (print) | ISSN : 2528-2794 (online)
Subject : food science; food engineering; agroindustrial technology; agroindustrial management; agriculture engineering; bioprocess engineering
ISSN : 2252-7877 (print) | ISSN : 2549-3892 (online)
Subject : food science; food technology; food microbiology; food biotechnology; food chemistry; food nutrition; food processing; food waste management; bioindustry; logistics and supply chain management of agro-industry; production system of agro-industry; man-machine system of agro-industry; strategic management of agro-industry; human resource management of agro-industry; inovation and product development management of agro-industry; knowledge management and learning organization of agro-industry; decision support system of agro-industry; information system management of agro-industry; business inteligence system of agro-industry; computer aided control engineering of agro-industry; food and postharvest engineering; energy and agro-industrial machinery; environmental engineering of agro-industry; biophysics engineering of agricultural material
ISSN : 2337-6864 (print)
Subject : power and agricultural machinery; mechatronics; agro-industrial machinery; food harvest; post-harvest technology; soil engineering; water engineering
ISSN : 2354-7936 (print)
Subject : teknologi hasil pertanian; teknologi pangan; agroindustri
ISSN : 2356-3389 (print) | ISSN : 2655-9676 (online)
Subject : pengolahan limbah cair; padat; emisi gas buang dan b3 (perancangan dan proses); pengelolaan sumberdaya air dan lahan; pengelolaan tata ruang wilayah das dan pesisir; remediasi lingkungan; mitigasi bencana; kesehatan lingkungan; ekonomi dan sosial lingkungan
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